Design Over Drinks
Design Over Drinks is an interview style podcast aiming to be a forum for emerging designers to talk about our philosophies, trends, experiences, successes, failures, diversity, advocacy, predictions, and everything in between. Why over drinks? Because designers often have a beverage in hand. Whether its a hot coffee or chai to start the day, or a glass of wine with coworkers to end it. A kombucha, or bubble tea, even that trusty bottle of water as we go from meeting to emails, to 30 minutes of actual work. We always have a hand for a drink. I started this podcast when Covid-19 hit in 2020. I spent a lot of time listening to the giants of design talk about what they predicted the future to be like, and how our profession will adapt as our world changes. Although that is important, I felt disconnected from the designer who is doing the production work, the designer who had to adapt because their schooling was like no others. I wanted to talk to the designer who will be the potential "giant" of the future. I like being a designer, but I love to talk about it more. My younger self hoped to someday be an art curator and a philosopher. In a way this is how I still hope to do just that. Become a patron at Patreon.com/DesignOverDrinksPod and follow us on Instagram @designoverdrinkspod as we connect with designers and down our drinks along the way.
Playing Catch-Up!

Interior Design Legislation Part 2: Current Affairs

Interior Design Legislation Part 1: History & Background

First Deep Dive Topic is Legislation!

Episode 302 with Kristen Petersen-Motan

Episode 301 with Ethan Doherty

New Podcasts Coming Your Way

Binge Our First Two Seasons

New Episodes Coming Soon!

Design Over Drinks 2.13 - Peter Harrison

Design Over Drinks 2.12 - Deidre Knowles

Design Over Drinks 2.11 - Jessica Holman

Design Over Drink 2.10 - A Layman Asks #4 (Free Version)

Design Over Drinks Episode 2.9 - Charlotte Leveque

Design Over Drinks Episode 2.8 - Merylin Ortac

Design Over Drinks Episode 2.7 - Kate McQuade

Design over Drinks Episode 2.6 - Michelle Northfield

Design over Drinks Episode 2.5- Christie Thorpe

Design Over Drinks Episode 2.4 - A Layman Asks #3 (Free Version)

Design Over Drinks Episode 2.3 - A Layman Asks #2 (Free Version)

Design Over Drinks Episode 2.2 - WRD Crossover

Design Over Drinks Episode 2.1 - A Layman Asks

Design Over Drinks - Season 2 Teaser