Design Over Drinks

Design Over Drinks 2.13 - Peter Harrison

Season 2 Episode 13

Season 2, Episode 13 of Design Over Drinks, Kendra talks with Peter Harrison

Current Firm: Gensler Portland

Design Program Attended: Utah State University, Major Interior Design, Minor Landscape Architecture

Drink of Choice: Lemon Lime Lemongrass Seltzer
Kendra Drinking:
Sweet Rosé
Drinks Discussed:
Mead (Honey Wine)


Trading Spaces

CIDA Accreditation
The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces - Documentary
Design versus User Experience
Hennebery Eddy Architects
ZGF Architects
Bobby Queer Eye
Parsons Healthy Materials Courses
Metropolis Magazine Carbon Toolkit
Carbon Leadership Forum
AIA Stance on Interior Design Legislation
Spanish Flu
Disparity Between Designers and Design Leadership (cannot find article, will update once have it!)
Inside the Actors Studio

The Fun Stuff:
Favorite Designer/ Currently Inspired by:
Miller Hull
Favorite Color:
Least Favorite Color:
Favorite Commands: 

Design Over Drinks is Hosted, and Edited by Kendra Shea

Produced by Kendra Shea and Simon Shea

Season 3 Graphics and Cover Art by Tano Design

Season 3 Music is by Qreepz


Socials/ Patreon: @DesignOverDrinksPod

BlueSky: @DesignOverDrinks